Fascinating Facts About Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali

Composed thousands of years ago The Yoga sutras of Patanjali is the foundation of India’s greatest legacy: the practice of Yoga. Maharsi Patañjali made a threefold contribution to humanity: He is the foremost of the sages who removed the impurity of the mind through Yoga, the impurity of words through grammar, and the impurity of the body through medicine.”Particularly in yoga, the mastery of ashtanga or the eight limbs showers immense benefits to mankind.
To benefit from the Yoga-Sūtras, a beginner should ideally start practicing yoga under the guidance of an authorized teacher. The human mind and body of today are mostly agitated and lacks the necessary health and stability. Once this physical and mental stability is gained, more advanced Yogic practices become meaningful. Only the practice of Yoga can reveal the meaning and stages of Yoga, as conceptualizing them in the form of mere concepts and verbal notions do not do them justice.
For readers of other traditions, a study of the Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali Book can be of great value as it reveals the commonalities with their own practices and sheds light upon the universality of Yoga practice as a means to attain wisdom.

For the philosophically minded reader, these Sūtras are a highly informative resource on the nature of Consciousness, the emergence of natural and mental phenomena, the mind’s modes and its nature, the power and efficacy of compassion and kindness, the flow of time, causality, and the ultimate meaning of human embodiment, as espoused by the Yoga tradition of ancient India.
For a reader who has only just begun his or her study of Yoga and who has not yet had the fortune of studying it with an accomplished teacher, it is advised to take a Sūtra or set of Sūtras and contemplate or meditate deeply upon its content, until its meaning is understood in the clarity of introspection.

Looking within and allowing the mind to settle naturally without strain renders it peaceful and calm. Only when the mind is calm can it begin to sense the profound reality concealed in its own depth. This is the essence of Yoga.


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